Remember those days when you were a kid or teenager and you did something to make your mom or dad ground you. Didn’t you hate those days? Having to be stuck in the house while you watch your friends outside playing in the yard on their bikes , skates , and jump ropes . I know I did.
So that’s why I put it in my novel pages. The old saying write what you know is still alive. My main character SIRENA , who is a teenager of course gets grounded by her mother for drinking at a party that I wrote in a previous chapters .
In this scene its gets a little intense and the war with her mother that I mentioned in an earlier post two days ago, continues as her mother asks her what is her problem ? whether it be drugs, sex or alcohol ? And whether she is meeting boys? Renee, Sirena’s mother certainty does not know her daughter one bit. Sirena tells her that all she wants to do is dance in Stella City and her mother straight up objects. I also throw another hint in there about her mother’s boyfriend Anthony who is also in the scene . Sirena and Anthony (her mother’s boyfriend) really hate each other but their hate is marred by silence , stares and glares. He has a major plot and character development in the very next two chapters that will be so exciting , well for me anyways.

After Sirena gets grounded and her mother and her mother’s boyfriend leaves out of the room, her sister Mercedes (whose name I might change back to Andrea because her name was Andrea in the 1st draft) waltz right in the room and gloats about Sirena being grounded . Sirena asks her why she told their mother. Mercedes tells her she was trying to help her . (But really?) So Mercedes basically stole the keys to a jeep to Sirena’s birthday gift that their mother took away as punishment and gives Sirena the keys to basically sneak out so she can go to her recital at unity day.
So that’s the end of that scene. I fill like it’s pretty intense because is a big easy build up to what will happened throughout the rest of the book. It’s pretty bold for my character to sneak out because at the beginning of the book she states in her journal she would never do things she started doing like run away from the Prestige Ceremony where she became a gatherer. I want to say that it’s probably because her werewolf powers are awakening. But I don’t know if I want to say that her character change is because of that. Would that be a pretty weak reasoning? I don’t know . We’ll see what happens.
Like I said in my last post I’m not finished with chapter 11 just yet . I have one more scene that’s entitled STEALING HEARTS.
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