January 19, 2025
WereWolf Podcast News Update(April2023)

WereWolf Podcast News Update(April2023)



Hi welcome ! This is the  discovering the Blue Hour werewolf podcast  news  update for the  month of  April 2023. I just finished completing the  Teen Wolf Movie review episode.  All  this week on my channel will be a week of Teen Wolf review  preview clips  to gear up for the  full podcast analysis and review on Sunday April 30, 2023  at 3:45pm .  So  get ready  cause  this month’s  podcast episode is longer  than any video I’ve ever done.

 These are  the next 5  episodes coming up on the  Discovering the Blue Hour podcast. 

Next episode  will be  an in-depth  analysis about  The White Wolf of Hartz Mountain. A short  story about  a werewolf by Frederick Marryat. 

I ‘ll be also revising and reediting my older podcast episodes and uploading full visual podcast episodes to YouTube in between this time and the  next episode  .  But  if you want to  listen to all the audio  episodes only  they are  all on the website

I will be having some more werewolf mythology episodes later on as well.

Smaller future video content:

I  will also be uploading Teasers  from  my work in  progress  werewolf novel  this month and next month  so check out  those videos  here. I almost finished  with the 2nd draft and I ‘m completing   a midnight writing  challenge where  I’m writing  atleast a 100 words   or more in an hour  of my werewolf novel  and I’m currently  writing chapters  33 of my 2nd draft.  

These are  my  werewolf podcast news updates for  this month If you have any comments   questions, suggestions about the channel  let me know  in the comments below .

Let’s  start a dialogue

More Videos coming up:

Next video will be about Arcadia and werewolf cults

Why do wolves howl at the moon?


Interact with the DTBH PODCAST


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