Not nearly finished with this chapter yet but I started chapter 12 today with POV character Cristan. A total of 368 words for this chapter so far.

And in this scene he takes the rest of his yearling pack , Bastian and Imani into the mortal town to look for Adrian and Sirena. Even though Cristen is greeted by a raven that taunts him and he gags and coughs from smoke that is killing the mortals in the town . Bastian and Imani are amazed and excited for, I guess what you can call them on an adventure . Cristen referred to it as their newly discovered world.

They are amazed by their eye color because they have never used the divers mud before that turns them mortal for a short time . I mean they do understand they are there to find Adrian but they just can’t help it. And Imani is still amazed by Cristen actually encountering an earth diver.
So that is all I have for right now within this scene but it’s going to get pretty intense and heavy when they actually bump into the people looking for Adrian . Adrian is going to have some words with Cristen again.
They honestly get in an argument in almost every scene.
I let you know how this next argument goes .
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