Last week I wrote a little about what the apocalypse was and glimpsed over dystopian fiction. I Researched 5 dystopian novels I haven’t read yet but maybe you can.
First lets go over what dystopian fiction is.
Dystopian fiction is a genre of speculative fiction a umbrella term or theme that is popular and seen in Apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic fiction. It is usually about a society that is undesirable or frightening that is set in the near future so is sometimes associated with science fiction as well .
Dystopias are said to be allegories , warnings about how things could go wrong in a society . 5 characteristics of dystopian fiction involves Government control, Environmental destruction, Technological control, Survival, Loss of individualism.
The Giver (Giver Quartet) Lowry, Lois
I read this book about some 20 years ago and I loved it. That is why it’s my first pick for one of the dystopian novels I haven’t read yet . Why is it on this list ? Well I haven’t read it in 20 years. I didn’t read the whole series. I like this book because the dystopia is in disguised as a Utopia . You have all the dystopian themes you can imagine .
- Environmental destruction
- Government control:
- Technological Control
- Survival
- Loss of Individualism
The Maze Runner by James Dashner
I’ve been wanting to read this book for a long time now after the movie came out. But I haven’t got around to it. The movie was good. So I Think one day I’ll give it a read . Its tale about a quest for survival.
Never Let Me Go by Ishiguro, Kazuo
This book is third on my list . I haven’t read this book either. But it’s another one of those books I saw the movie when it first came out. The movie although the pace was somewhat slow was rather interesting. I liked it. The book is a quasi-science-fiction that takes place in an alternate England.
Lord of the Flies BY WILLIAM GOLDING, 1954
Okay I remember reading this book at one point in time when I was in school . So I think it will be about time for a reread. How is lord of the flies on my dystopian book list ? It has the dystopian themes of survival, groupthink and individuality and tells an allegorical story about following rules and conflicting impulses about social organization and civilization.
The Machine Stops BY E.M. FORSTER, 1909
This short story I never heard of . But it seems very interesting. Written in 1909 by E. M Forster is a science fiction commentary reaction of H. G Wells Time Machine about how humanity has to go underground . It has the themes of globalism and a reality based community that predicts a lot of 21 century technology.
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What dystopian novels have you read?
I want to know so let me know in the comments below.
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