As a writer I been spending a lot of time on Pinterest lately organizing scene boards for my work in progress werewolf novel. I know what you are thinking . You are saying , you should be writing. I know but I am. And creating a scene board is very helpful to the writing process.
- Creating a scene board you can quickly and easily draw inspiration for your next draft.
- You can detect the flow of where your scene is going visually .
- You can weed out the bad areas of your story.
- You can see which characters are working in the story.
I ‘m not going to tell you how to create one because each writer creates their scene board differently.
Using and creating a scene board doesn’t have to be just on Pinterest. As a writer you can make a scene board out of anything.
I just started using Pinterest to visually organize my scenes but when I was on my first draft back in 2012/13 I use to take scenes from different places and matches it with my scenes sort of like storyboarding . I used magazine clips and scenes from movies , created dioramas out of cardboards and miniature figurines . I also would make a collage board . It’s sort of the same thing I guess. If you are an artist you can also draw the scenes. That takes a while though. Especially if you don’t want to storyboard the scenes with stick figures.
Also if you have your scene board go live it gives a hint to future readers of what your novel is about.
Now that I have been using Pinterest I just started to organize my scenes by making individual chapters boards. I’m skipping around different chapter boards based on the particular picture I can find that matches the scenes within each chapter. So I have a ways to go but this is a helpful method for me as I continue to write my 2nd draft.
Check out my scene boards and let me know what you think so far.
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