The other day I wrote a little bit about the class structure and sub groups of my werewolves and the hierarchies in another post. Those are two important worldbuilding components when writing a fantasy novel.
I also mentioned the different races or species that I have in my world. One of the races and species are the humans. But in my novel I call them mortals.
What’s a fantasy novel without humans and human society right? I’m sure there are those fantasy novels that only just have fantasy mythical creatures but no humans. I ‘m assuming it is very rare . But having humans in your novel with the other mythical creatures I guess makes the reader more invested in the novel. But I don’t think that is always true. Its according to how you write it. You got to have a balance .
Some authors have done it right and created that balance with believable human characters living amongst fantastical creatures. The human characters in those societies go on to be fleshed out properly.
Nonetheless , I have a human society in my novel . In my first draft I didn’t really concentrate on and incorporate the human society all that much . I didn’t really have a balance . I guess that is my writing fault I have to work on and improve. And in this 2nd draft that is what I’m trying to do . Create a balance of human society rules and structure and werewolf rules and structure. Because it’s really just those two worlds I’m concentrating on.
All and all trying to create the balance is hard especially when all you want to write about is your mythical fantasy characters and world. The human world is a done that , been there , old news , boring kind of element in fantasy novels. Cliché? Maybe ? I’m sure many writers reinvented the wheel once or twice with a human fantasy world.
But I’m not going to promise you that and niether any human lead characters. I know what you might be saying? Not another Vampire Diaries situation. I know Matt on the Vampire Diaries did get a bad deal didn’t he?
But my novel sorta of will be like that. With very few humans taking center stage. Not that I don’t concentrate on ordinary human characters because I do. The three ordinary human characters I concentrate on is Gabby, Eli & Helene. In the first draft I didn’t concentrate on them much like the whole human society. But once again they are not the lead focus in the werewolf novel. You never see many stories just focusing on werewolves . So that’s what I wanted to do. And this draft and hopefully my final plot and structual draft there is more of a balance with these humans co existing with the werewolves on the same planet. It will not at all be a Matt/Jeremy Vampire Diaries situation.
But since I told you a little about the werewolves already, let me dive in and go furthur and tell you a little about the human groups in my novel series.
There are three human groups that take center stage only after the werewolves and the three ordinary mentioned humans in the hour series:
An Ashman is a mortal shaman with magical or healing powers. They are also priest and monks of a community. Some powerful Ashman have the ability to bring back mortals from the dead, travel to the Eternal realm or talk to the dead. Some powerful Ashman also have their own Eternal guide and have the ability to astral project into an Eternal animal, changing their physical self into their Eternal animal. They have the power to summon immortal magical beings and put anyone into a trance. Some Ashman participate in an annual ceremony to appease the mythological god and goddess.
The Ashman in the Hour Series possess the ancient Knowledge of the universe that is locked in their minds. They are tracked and killed by the Kraldire(wolf leader) who believes they have the power to unlock it. Ashman can die like any normal mortal. Some Ashman can be werewolves but that is rare.
Are MORTAL hunters who go after the caninruh werewolves. They are members of the Dímios socity . And possess strong tracking and fighting skills . The weapons they use to hunt the caninruh are strychnine nux poison, fire, spike chain collars, animal cages, and a high frequency whistle device that draws out the caninruh and immobilizes them. They are very perceptive and knowledgeable.
Are usually natual healers and exorcist who believe in curing the caninruh of their evil spirits by cutting out the heart, through their stomach in order to cure them. Afterwards they sow the stomach up. They live and hunt in the FOREST mountainous regions of RED SILVA MOUNTAIN . They are perceptive and possess very strong tracking skill , using the luring, and calling method of hunting and usually a safyral, the sword of burning hearts, a healing dagger that has been blessed to cut through the stomach which is poisonous to the caninruh after it has been blessed. The CASTUS men are the only ones who can perform the exorcism and the woman are usually the ones who trap and hunt the caninruh.
This is just a little bit about the types of humans in my novel. I will delve further into the human society in future post and podcast episodes.
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What’s your favorite human and human society in a fantasy novel with other mythical creatures that you read ? Which author do you think did it well?
I want to know so let me know in the comments below.
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