That little voice in a writer’s mind . The character’s voice that yearns to be heard appears for a reason and allows that grand feeling you have while writing a scene to occur.
I don’t know about you but when I write a scene I get a rush of exhilaration. I can immediately think of something. The idea comes and I write it down. I’m not saying this happens to me all the time . I’m going to admit I do get writers block sometimes.
But when I write a scene that feeling is such a grand feeling. I feel accomplished . I feel like I have grown as a writer. Every scene I write I feel my writing elevating and my skills getting stronger.
When I write a scene I’m able to jump into the characters head . However they call to me sometimes willing me to write what they have to say. Like a voice in my head. Sometimes they won’t leave me alone until I put pen to paper .
For example the 2nd love interest Adrian in my work in progress werewolf novel, During the Blue Hour wasn’t always a main character . He wasn’t even a love interest to my main character Sirena. Hell he wasn’t even Cristian’s rival . He was just a member of the yearling pack. But he pushed himself front in center in my mind and demanded to be written and his story heard .
So like a good little writer I complied . And so as I sit writing my 2nd draft his story is being told. And I’m having so much fun writing his story . Every scene he is in motivates me to continue and move on to the next scene.
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What do the characters voices say in your head while you’re writing?
I want to know so let me know in the comments below.
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