March 6, 2025
My 2nd Draft Going Full  Detective Sherlock Holmes Mode? What will my Main Character do Next in these Upcoming Chapters?

My 2nd Draft Going Full Detective Sherlock Holmes Mode? What will my Main Character do Next in these Upcoming Chapters?

Like  I stated yesterday I’m headed  for writing  chapter  11 in my  2nd  draft  of my work in progress.

The storm  has finally arrived.  The  main characters  best friend is  missing or dead?  My main   character  Sirena  has already had  glimpses of the world of werewolves. She doesn’t  think it’s  real  but only a dream.  Within  these next couple of chapters  she is about to become a sleuth  because her  curiosity  will get the best of her . She is  intent on  finding her best friend. 

But what will she do  when she finds out  the truth? 

Okay  so  I  never intended  my 2nd draft to go full  detective  Sherlock Holmes   mode.  It just happened that way  . But my  story  is not a  mystery  . It will  and always will be a  fantasy  werewolf  novel  I  guess with  elements  of mystery   and a lot of adventure . I   guess  that will be different for a werewolf novel  of  today’s standard .  My werewolf is no way  a twilightesque  romance  , but there will be some  romance thrown in.

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How did  your current draft  change  while  you were in the middle of writing it?  

 I  want to know so let me know in the comments  below.

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