I’ve started watching Outlander . Okay I know I’m kind of late but hey it’s better late than never, right? Well I like it. Even though I’m on episode 2 or 3 of the first season. It’s a pretty cool time travel show but I got 4 more seasons to go on it.
I saw that it is also based on the Outlander novel series. And even though I don’t write Historical fiction, I do write fantasy and sci-fi . And so I do have a soft spot for historical fiction . I ‘ve never written it but before I started writing fantasy I used to love reading historical novels.
So I ‘m guessing in my opinion that My next novel read would be this Outlander series. We’ll see. Like I said in this other post RECENT ALMOST READ BOOK/ READING BOOKS OUTSIDE THE GENRE YOU WRITE Its good to read outside of your genre while you’re writing.
The book from the summary and reviews seems to be pretty good and solid. Very interesting. I might start reading it while I’m still watching the show to compare the two. I did that with Anne of Green Gables (and no I’m not talking about the remakes they have recently did but the one with Meagan Follows. That version will always be dear to me. I grew up on that version).
Has anybody WATCHED THE Outlander tv show? What do you think about it? Have you read the novel series? Let me know in the comments below (Spoilers are welcomed).
Let’s start a Dialogue.
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