Everyone has dreams and aspirations that makes a person who they are . These dreams and aspirations also can make you interesting .Like you, your characters in your novel should also have dreams and aspirations.
These dreams and aspirations are usually goals that the characters need or want to achieve. Your characters dreams and aspiration(goals) is what drives the novel. Without the characters dreams and aspirations your novel falls completely apart and the story itself may feel incomplete. Allowing your characters to have dreams and aspirations it keeps your characters on track throughout the story.
Giving your character something to strive for is important to your novel .
In my work in progress werewolf novel, During the Blue Hour, my main character Sirena’s dreams and aspirations is to get out of her town and become a ballet dancer. She is even able to somewhat achieve part of her goal of winning a scholarship at the beginning of the novel. However her dream is taken away from her after finding out she is a werewolf .
And thus cannot dance because her abilities. This new found obstacle pushes her to find a way for a cure so she can dance again. But throughout the story more and more obstacles are thrown at her preventing her from reaching her main goal of becoming a ballerina throughout the story . Moreover, by the end of the novel her goals have changed and the one new goal she strives for is to find a cure .
There are two types of goals a character is categorized under:
Societal or external goals is considered like to save the world type of goal
Personal or internal goals is considered in a way a character prove to themselves that they are great
Characters can experience an overlap with the two goals . It can be a private goal where the character has to find themselves or a public goal where the characters expresses it out loud of what they want to do .
No matter the type of aspirations or dreams the characters must always have an obstacle stopping them from achieving it but also a way to try to overcome and strive to reach them .
Remember whatever dream or aspiration that your character has must drive them forward in the story.
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What are your characters dreams and aspirations?
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Check out My previous werewolf video : 3 Plants Fatal to the Werewolf