So in my last post I mentioned that I started chapter 10. I worked on it a little bit tonight. Got 674 words done so far on this chapter. I ‘m still not done maybe one more day or night on this chapter and then I will go on to chapter 11. I feel like I’m on a roll right now. I’m able to focus and get these chapters completed for now although my goal is to try to finish this draft hopefully by the end of the summer.
So yesterday I never mentioned specifically what this chapter was about so I will now.
In this chapter it’s the 1st love interest to Sirena and 2nd POV character named Cristan who is the alpha of the yearling pack . I’ll talk about him a little bit more in other post and podcast episodes in the future. Although he is featured along with the rest of the yearling pack in my novel concept shortfilm 6 if you want to take a look at that. I also mention him in one of the podcast episodes about multiple pov here.
Anyway in this chapter Cristan gets confronted by Adrian(the 2nd love interest to Sirena) about Sirena being up in the mountains. Cristan tries to look to Chemsen the earthdiver Raven for advice on how to be a leader and alpha but it’s too late and his arguing causes Adrian to run off this time for real. ( because in previous chapters he also ran off) I’ll go a little in-depth about Adrian later.
So yeah this what my chapter 10 is currently about . He has to confront the yearling pack and try to tell them the truth because what do you know he is the alpha of their pack. I don’t know how it will end though because Cristan is just I guess not a good alpha or he just doesn’t want to be . But will see how this chapter ends….
Oh yeah forgot I don’t know what to call this chapter yet. Confrontations? Although their is a lot more towards the end of the book.
If you liked this quick blog about my Work in progress world I will be posting more content like this and make sure you know that you can feel free to give me suggestions and feedback on how to improve During the Blue hour video concepts, blogs, short stories and more.
I have a novel concept video that goes more in-depth on the Last Arctos Pack if you would like to see it.
In the meantime let’s start a dialogue:
What does your chapter 10 look like? What is it called?
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