In werewolf mythology different plants are harmful to the werewolf such as mistletoe , mountain ash, rye, and of course the most famous one of them all wolfsbane. However, in my work in progress werewolf novel I don’t use these plants as a fatal tool against them. Instead I use poppy tears or as we know it as opium or Poppy seeds. Let me tell you a little about it.

Poppies have often been used as a symbol for sleep, peace and death. Poppy is most commonly known as a flower plant called Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae. You even see some people make pastries with the flower. Even though the seeds produced from Papaver somniferum and Papaver paeoniflorum can be eaten it is often used as an effective medicine to numb pain when injured or ill.
Called hul gil in ancient Mesopotamia. The ancient people named it that way because it was considered the ‘joy plant’. Over the centuries the name of the poppy has been referred to as opium or poppy tears , which is made from the white liquid in the poppy plant. It is also called poppy tears because The latex liquid of the plant runs down the plant, similar to tears. But for many centuries the flower has been overused for it euphoric effect because it contains morphine and codeine.
It was said that Roman gladiators used opium to improve their fighting but also to be able to numb the pain when they died. Opium from the poppy plant can likewise be produced and turned into a fatal drug called heroine .
In additions poppies can be and is poisonous especially to dogs . The alkaloids found in poppies differ with each species; some can affect the central nervous system . Ingestion of any part of the plant can result in sedation or an excited state. signs of poppy or opioid poisoning include hallucinogen, crying, pinpoint pupils for dogs.
This is not the case for just poppies. this is all plants that are poisonous to dogs. That is probably why within werewolf mythology the other plants mistletoe , mountain ash, rye, and wolfsbane is commonly used . But they could have probably just have used any plant such as chocolate for example . Which is also poisonous to dogs but I don’t use that in my novel. I chose the use of poppy. Let me show you how I use it in my work in progress.

In my work and progress novel During the Blue Hour I named this plant simply Hul gil or poppy tears. It is an unknowingly deadly addictive paralysis plant to the caninruh werewolf race and causes a slow and painful death to arise overtime . It is very rare at the start of 1st novel and throughout the series but does grow in a place called Dimond Mist Valley, a pocket of lost earth masked away far away in the mountains and desert where mythological creatures are said to roam .
Poppy tears has a dormant magical effect on the Caninruh werewolf race . As a calming drug it appears to put asleep their beastly emotions and leave them human with only their celestial power apparent and always a euphoric like feeling .With one dose , the poppy tears can stay in their system for up to a year without having them transition or crave for a human heart. But It is not natural for the caninruh to stay just in one form for a long time . They must release their emotional hormones and transform into the beast or human alternately to survive.
If they keep using it or just one time unknowingly in human form they’ll slowly become sick over time and their nerves will begin to deteriorate making them weak and unable to walk. If and When it starts to leave their system it will cause a fatal reaction, by first making them have animalistic mood swings in their human state, then transform into the beast. Soon after transforming into the beast they experience paralysis and a quick shutdown of functions, then death.
yearling caninruh werewolves experience the effects of hul gil much quicker than the older werewolves. And the years speed up in their bodies making it if not taken more than once, the doses last less than a year and more like a month.
Only a couple of werewolf characters use it:
Zios uses in from 701 ad- his death
His daughter Lilly uses it from about the age of 17 to her death
I don’t know if I want one of the younger yearling werewolves to use it yet.
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