Did you know in real life that a wolf’s eye color can be gray , green, brown, yellow, amber, and even orange eyes. Also that when a wolf pup is born that their eyes are blue. Cool right? Well that’s nature for you.
So it wouldn’t be odd or strange for writers who write stories about werewolves to play with the eye color of their werewolves when they transform .

The traditional werewolf eye color in movies is usually yellow.
However in recent tv shows and films such as TEEN WOLF, wolves eye color are gold , blue, red and teal.

In the show the eye color is determined by their rank in the pack. The alphas of the pack always have red eyes.
The werewolves with blue eyes are always the ones who have taken an innocent human life.
Like Teen Wolf I also play with the eye color of werewolves in my work in progress novel During the Blue Hour .

The current chapter I’m working on when Morgana puts on the divers mud her eye color changes from red to a human eye color . And she asks Bastian , “What color are my eyes?” In which he replies , “green”
In my novel with much research on the regular eye color of a wolf and other culture mythologies. I chose my werewolves to have red color eyes. Even when they are in human form their eyes are still a red glow and they might look like some sort of alien . But when my werewolves put on the divers mud their eyes change to a human eye color and takes the color of whatever their eyes would naturally look like if they were born human.
Since my main character Sirena was born by a mother who was human and not werewolf. Her red eyes will not come in until her first transformation when she is 18 . And so her human eye color is grey.
Before the werewolves were werewolves and they were just wolves . Only the Kraldire wolf had an unnatural eye color . And they were usually chosen by the northern light at a ceremony during the blue hour.
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Do you have a character in your novel whose eyes changes colors ?
I want to know so let me know in the comments below.
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