March 6, 2025
This Shiny Relic; Safyral : A Scene in the 13th Chapter

This Shiny Relic; Safyral : A Scene in the 13th Chapter

Oh Isohel,Oh Isohel. THE VOICE FROM  ABOVE

A creepy prayer  and a  race  to survive . This is what  my  main  character  Sirena  faces in  this 3rd  scene of  my 13th chapter .  Yup . I’m not finished quite yet with the chapter but  I ‘m getting there and  it feels great . 

So all last week and the  week before  I had writers  block( you can read more about that in the post WRITERS  BLOCK  IN THE 13TH  CHAPTER.   And as you know  writers  block is  not  great tohave or let alone  healthy .  But I  managed to pull through for now.  I got  a lot  written as far as  the  scene goes.

The scene that I finished is called  This Shiny  Relic ; Safyral .  It’s not a new scene as it was in my 1st draft . The only difference is that I  switched it around where  it is in a new chapter and  I added  Sirena’s friend Eli to the  scene.   


Scene  summary :

In the last scene  Sirena had  to make a choice  to run from the werewolves .  So  she ran  .   In this scene  she comes back to save her friend Eli but  is suddenly approached by  her mother’s  fiancé  Anthony.

Anthony  a  doctor in the  town is really  not who he appears to be but  in fact  a  Castus  Healer werewolf Hunter .  He tells  Sirena  he didn’t  know at first  she was  a werewolf  but  then  realized  that she was one  after  she became attracted  to the  a shiny relic  called  a safyral that was hidden away in  his desk in a  previous scene. 

He then attacks her with  the Safyral telling her  that he will try to save her from being a beast so her mother, him , Sirena and her sister can all be a proper family . 


The shiny relic called a safyral; the sword of burning hearts,  a  healing dagger that has been blessed to cut through the stomach which is poisonous to the caninruh after it has been blessed. is  a dagger sword  that  when blessed  is used  to exorcise  or cut out the  heart of the  werewolf in  order to heal them  so  they  will be able to be  mortal.

Photo by Katho Mutodo on


Are usually  natural healers and exorcist priest who believe in curing the caninruh of their evil spirits by cutting out the heart,  through their stomach in order to cure them. Afterwards they sow the stomach up.   They live and hunt in the FOREST mountainous regions of RED SILVA MOUNTAIN .  They are perceptive and possess very strong tracking skill , using the luring, and calling  method  of hunting and usually The CASTUS men are the only ones who can perform the exorcism and the woman are usually the ones who trap and hunt the caninruh.  At the Castus ceremony  they say a prayer  and bless the  dagger  sword  and  the  soul. 


The castus prayer  to bless the Safyral  relic   is called  THE VOICE OF ABOVE .  This is the  prayer:

Oh Isohel,Oh Isohel. THE VOICE FROM  ABOVE .I offer  you this reaping. This cutting, this oath of banishment from evil by the Safyral, the sword of burning hearts so you can deliver a rebirth of a fallen messenger and finally  grant  us salvation for this weak one.  oh Isohel, cut, bless, curse and   cast away the beast within this weak soul! Throw it upon the Rigel and Star of Eridu. Eridu , oh  celestrial  Isohel . I summon you  and all the father and mother Isohels. All the celestial forces of Eridani. All the travlers of time itself.  Arcus  Auroria , PSI  Tau. Ori .  from  Valgrind to the realms of Camara.  Pulṓn. the sanctums of Eridanus.Grant  salvation ! Banish this Evil!  Oh celestial Isohel Eridu benedico maledire sacrum dominus. Oh Isohel,Oh Isohel. THE VOICE FROM  ABOVE.”

I do not  necessarily put the prayer within this particular  scene but  I do in the next  and  briefly in a scene  in the upcoming chapters. 

Anthony  is the only  Castus  that the reader  will see  through this first novel  and  I  will continue  to explore the  Castus society throughout future  novels between Sirena and  the other  characters.

As for  whether  Sirena  will survive  in this scene.?  Well  yes  of course  or there will  not  be a book .  The real  question  is how  and that  is what I continue  to explore in the next scene of this chapter . 

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