Rewrites can be a pain . I know from my recent experiences. Even now as I work on the 2nd draft . I find myself still rewriting scenes and changing characters names. But revising and rewriting is a vital component to writing. Without it the story and characters might suffer, fall apart and readers will get bored and tired, ultimately throwing the book down .
So what do you do? How do you revise and rewrite your novel ?
A revision is when you’re only changing the text, and not the story.
While revising you concentrate on the text and the way the scenes flow.
There are often minor changes while revising because you like how the story is.
Rewriting is considered totally different than revision. Rewriting is more substantial . Remember there is also no editing in rewriting. Your literally taking out all the problematic potholes, characters , and scenes within the novel.
First off remember that you must not be afraid metaphorically to kill your darlings from the page . So anything that doesn’t make sense within the story but you like it take it out and put it aside for another time because you might need it for later . IE deleted scenes.
I love my deleted scenes . I have by now a whole pile of them. Sometimes I ‘ll put them back in when necessary if I’m rearranging the story around. Or I’ll save them to make a new story with the deleted scenes( I talk more about that in the post A SHORT STORY / NOVEL CONNECTION).
How to focus on reworking what we wrote to bring out the core idea of the story .
I did this after finishing up my 1st draft of my current work in progress novel. But to tell you the truth it took a long time. It’s quite the process. To find the core idea of my work in progress novel I ended up deconstructing it page by page. Scene by scene , sentence by sentence .
The next thing to think about is trying to figure out how you can make it better than what and how you wrote it the first time.
This is what I learned when working on my first draft . You are going to have to change the story whether you want to or not. Sorry but it is true . I ended up changing almost everything about my story except for the main plot and the fact that it is about werewolves. When I read through my first draft I found myself cringing at moments , most scenes preferably in the beginning of the draft and towards the ends it was okay but still needed a lot of work.
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