Okay so don’t tell anybody but I think I wanted to once upon a time be a historian . And sometimes I still do. Why? you might ask. Well it’s because I like discovering new worlds-well old worlds, secrets, and lies and the people and cultures that go with them.
But since I can’t be a historian I opt for being a author/screenwriter /filmmaker. As a writer and filmmaker you have to do your research for the story or film you create.
Researching for your novel allows you like a historian to discover the worlds and cultures and events for your novel.
Historians are concerned with the continuous, methodical narrative and research of past events as relating to the human race; as well as the study of all history in time.
Isn’t that similar to what a fiction novelist does with their own worlds?
Okay so how can fiction novelist research like a historian?
Let’s start here:
Collect primary sources
Historians use libraries
Yes I know it’s a new generation. 21 century. Computers are all the rage. But libraries and archives still exist. When I wrote a 5 act play about Juliette Gordon Lowe for the Girl Scouts. I had to go where the information was and that place was at the historical society where archives of diary entries, newspaper clippings were. It was fun. I felt truly like a historian even though I was writing a play based on a real person.
The facts matter even if you write fiction scifi fantasy . You can still go to those historical society libraries and get an idea or two.
Chronological Thinking
sift through individual accounts and place the events in order of occurrence..
When I started my research on my work in progress werewolf novel . I had so many ideas collected from primary research that I had to create a timeline of events for my story.
I also created a family tree for my novel’s characters
Work Environment
travel to sites to conduct research
Historians travel to different historical sites to conduct their research
When I first researched my novel I did a little bit of travel to a wetland to see how actual wolves looked and how big they were. How they walked and how their demeanor is Because I did all my research on regular wolves first and not werewolves.
Research for me is the most fun part of all in writing a fiction novel
I talk more about it in my first podcast episode
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How do you research for your novel?
I want to know so let me know in the comments below.
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