It has been almost two months since I started my writing Pinterest account for my work in progress novel During the Blue hour . I can say so far it is fun . I ‘m able to pin pictures of different ideas for my novel .
One of those ideas are my character examples. That’s what I did . I created a Pinterest board right now with five of my characters from my work in progress novel.
These are not actually how they will look of course . These are just examples of concepts, scenes , and their abilities and what they embody and what I have their personality as .
To say the least by these pictures that I pinned to the boards I have gotten extra ideas for each individual character .
And especially for Mercedes because I wasn’t going to explore her character all that much. But now that I found these character examples. I know exactly how I’m going to have her character throughout the book and in future stories .
I think this is a good start to premiering and showcasing who my pack is.
Eventually I will have actual pictures of each of my main characters . And I’m hoping to work with an artist who can draw my main characters. But right now this will do just fine.
Do you have a Pinterest account ?
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