March 6, 2025


Last night  I finished up  writing chapter  11 with  Adrian’s  POV .

If  you haven’t read my other post he is the 2nd love interest  to Sirena who is the main character  of course. ( I will delve deeper  into him  in another post but I mention him  in the  video  the Last Arctos Pack . Take a look.)

The chapter 11  which was  entitled  hangover  concluded  with  2322 words.  

Most of  the words was  taken   from my first draft.  Which was in another  chapter all together  in the first draft. 

I feel like in this draft I placed it in the right section.  And gives a good lead up to what’s to come in my next chapters.

The  section of the chapter 11 that  ended  it up with Adrian’s POV  was entitled  INTERRUPTIONS  . 

I  named the section INTERRUPTIONS because. Adrian interrupts  things and gets interrupted  in his  goals.  Adrian  has  never  seen a mortal.  This is  his first  interaction in the mortal town.  (In my novel it’s the name  for humans. I don’t use the term humans in my novel.  )  It’s  just his reaction  to what he sees.  To him in this  chapter , even though  the town is small he sees  it as too busy and too noisy .  He can hear everything  since  he is a werewolf and their laughs (that he calls brays), and the sounds that they make  hurt his ears.   He interrupts  a street hockey game and gets into a fight because of the laughter he hears  from them.

He  interacts with Sirena  again but not in a good way   because  their meeting is interrupted  by the town’s police (which I Call a spider agent) named  Henri D and  his dog Storm. This  character  is not a new character  but was actually introduced  briefly  in  chapter  3.  He  is actually important to Adrian’s  character arc which will be revealed  in later chapters. 

But  he  actually interrupts Adrian’s  encounter  with Sirena.  Adrian decided not  to leave the mountain  without  his sister who in this  chapter  he calls very stubborn for her  loyalty  to  Cristan. So since he chooses not to leave  his  whole goal within this chapter is to  figure  out  what  Sirena is all  about  just  to spite Cristen.  Because  Cristan lied   to them about Sirena.   But obviously  because  of Henri D he  doesn’t  get the chance.  So the chapter  ends with him  catching Sirena’s scent and  following her as  she   hurries  off with her  friend Eli  up the mountain.

So  I  feel  I’m  putting more emphasis  to  pairing him up with Sirena than Cristan  because  right now he  is interacting  more with Sirena than Cristan is.  But  I will  see what happens in  this next chapter  12.

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In what way does  your characters  face interruptions when they interact with other characters?  

 I  want to know so let me know in the comments  below.

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