Writing chapters are hard especially when you are trying to figure out how to end your chapters properly. For each writer the experience for ending your chapters are different but for me it’s fun because I get to end them on cliffhangers . There are many types of cliff hangers but I want to discuss my 3 favorites types .
When I end a chapter I end it on the action and leave it with a cliff hanger.
What is a cliffhanger ?
A cliff hanger is the hook, the page turner that will get the reader reading the next scene on and on until hopefully the end of the novel. Like I have said in many of my other post I like to experiment. That includes with the end of the chapters . So these are the cliff hangers I’ve used so far.

The peril cut cliffhanger is where you leave your character in peril at the end of the chapter. I do this a lot in my work in progress.
I leave the character and cut the scene at the very instance and I may not come back to them for another chapter or 2 . But when I finally do the situation they are in is even worse. (spoiler) I use this cliff hanger in one of the scenes with my main character Adrian.

The blackout cliffhanger is where the viewpoint character loses consciousness. This cliffhanger is a fun cliffhanger to write. I use the black out in my novel as well with the main character Sirena.
This is when a character faints , or knocked out or even killed. This type of cliff hanger leaves suspense for the reader. You don’t know what has happened to the character.
When using the blackout you got to make sure that when writing this cliff hanger that you jump ahead of time when you eventually come back to the character . Make sure you come back to the character soon. If the viewpoint character dies have another character in their place.

The ticking clock cliffhanger is perhaps my most favorite out of the three . It is when you end the chapter on a sense of urgency. Where the character has to meet a deadline. I do this at the very beginning of my novel with the main character Cristan. He has to get a book to my main character Sirena before the storm arrives in my novel.
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