Self-publishing is important. Especially important if you do not want to and cannot take the traditional publishing route. Self-publishing your work allows you as the writer to have freedom and creativity. And it won’t take you so many years to publish your work. And you can publish it as fast as you want but make sure you edit your manuscript well. Lastly you get more upfront investment.
How do you do it through? What are some self-publishing options?
Well I found out that there are a couple:
OPTION 1 : You can self-publish on your own and hire freelancers to help you on the way when needed. Freelancers included for self publishing are artist, editors, and distributors .
OPTION 2 : You can self-publish by hiring someone to do it all for you.
OPTION 3: Self-publish but work also with a traditional publishing house.
As I continue to complete my 2nd draft of my work in progress werewolf novel, During the Blue Hour and it’s short story series I am also exploring my Self- publishing options. I will eventually go with option 1 because I want to make all the decisions about how my books and short stories are distributed and published.
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