As you well know Little Red riding hood is by far one of the most famous fairytales their ever was about Werewolves. But no one really ever talks about or analysis the story in that aspect .You have the talking wolf that is by far in every way considered a werewolf. I know it’s an anamorphic animal but he literally stalks humans ie little red and devours the grandmother . An although there is no howling at a moon there are versions of Little red riding hood that delivers on werewolf mythologies and legends of the past.
Some being;
- 11 century version by a cathedral schoolmaster named Egbert of Liège
- La finta nonna (The False Grandmother), written by Italo Calvino in the Italian Folktales collection
- Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
With that being said I will be analyzing Little red riding hood in-depth in a later podcast episode. Because my work in progress novel During the Blue Hour has a lot of Big Bad Wolf & Little Red Riding Hood scares and Moments.
What’s your opinion about Little red riding hood really being about werewolves?
Do you have any big bad wolf moments in your novel?
Let me know in the comments below and lets start a dialogue.
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