March 6, 2025
The Search Begins in Chapter 12 and also my Hesitation About my 2nd Draft

The Search Begins in Chapter 12 and also my Hesitation About my 2nd Draft

Although I haven’t started  chapter 12 yet.  I  have outlined it pretty good and I’m  ready to start  working on it. Of course  this chapter 12 is way  different  from my  first draft’s chapter  12.  Events will be changed  around. Some  scenes that were in  earlier chapters in the  first draft  will now be  in this chapter. It has changed drastically.  It will  involve the search  for Sirena’s friend  Gaby.  I almost have like a hesitation  about this chapter because   I’m almost 30,000  words in  and my main  character Sirena   has not  really interacted  with the yearling  werewolf pack  all that  much and she doesn’t  really  know  about her powers   or  who  she is  quiet yet.  However,  in the first draft  I  had it where she knew  early on.

In  the first draft it was like this:

End  of Act 1 she finds  out who she is

End  of Act 2 she must make a decision  to  save her town  and family  

End  Act 3  she must make a  decision  whether  to  risk staying or leave with  the pack

I  want  to keep it that way in this draft .

But in this  2nd draft everything   seems to be coming later   than what it did in the  first draft.  Maybe  I  have pacing  issues ? I don’t know .

Well I did  add  scenes that wasn’t in the first draft  and take scenes  away  that were in  the first draft.  So that can be my issue  right there . The  new scenes that I have written  has  lead  the story to more   new  scenes all together. Maybe  the story  itself will be longer this time .  The  first draft was 70,000  words .  My  goal  this time  will mostly be 80,000 . 

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What hesitations do you have when writing your chapters?  

 I  want to know so let me know in the comments  below.

 You can also interact with the podcast on Gab @duringthebluehour


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