There will be a new video coming soon for my werewolf trivia about werewolf eye color . I mentioned the werewolf eye color here WHAT COLOR ARE MY EYES? A WEREWOLF’S EYE COLOR. What color eyes can a werewolf have? This will be discussed more in detail in my upcoming video about a werewolf’s eye color. To join the conversation on a werewolves eye color head on over to the comments section on of my youtube channel about the eyes of a werewolf .
Did you know there is a connection between Selene , goddess of the moon , Apollo god of the sun and werewolves?
- Selene is the counterpart of Artemis, Apollo’s twin sister who is also associated with the moon.
- Apollo is the counterpart of Helios Selene’s Brother who is associated with the sun.
- Apollo was said to be a forgotten wolf god throughout history . I talk about him extensively in the video 3 Famous Forgotten Werewolf / Wolf Gods
Selene the moon goddess will be featured in the upcoming series WHAT COLOR ARE MY EYES? A WEREWOLF’S EYE COLOR in the first Episode 1 The Power of the Werewolf Gaze premiering real soon
I will talk to you about more facts on a werewolf’s eye color in the upcoming video ; A werewolves eyecolor: What color are my eyes? Click video below to check out a sneak peak :
Next video coming soon- preview werewolf eye color
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Check out My previous werewolf video :Exploring the Immortality of Werewolves