My Fantasy Short Story, Sofia’s Journey, is the first short story in a whole new fantasy series about the underworld Mictlan that explores the mythos and legends of the Aztec gods and goddesses from Mexico.
A new chapter has been released today on Amazon Kindle Vella for the current Mictlan Series story The Journey begins. The title is called Chasing Ghost. This is the 9th chapter released in the story.
Don’t Forget to Leave a Review NOW for Sofia’s Journey
Over the weekend there was a free promotion for Sofia’s Journey and some people read it. But now I need a review. Don’t Forget to Leave a Review NOW for Sofia’s Journey if you liked the story or if you didn’t . Leave the review on Amazon. Leaving your review is important and would help a lot.
My Fantasy Short Story, Sofia’s Journey, is FREE on Kindle thru 8/28!
My Fantasy Short Story, Sofia’s Journey, is FREE on Kindle thru 8/28! This is the first short story in a whole new fantasy series about the underworld Mictlan that explores the mythos and legends of the Aztec gods and goddesses from Mexico.
Tomorrow, my Fantasy Short Story, Sofia’s Journey, is FREE on Kindle from 8/24 thru 8/28!
Tomorrow, my Fantasy Short Story, Sofia’s Journey, is FREE on Kindle from 8/24 thru 8/28! This is the first short story in a whole new fantasy series about the underworld Mictlan that explores the mythos and legends of the Aztec gods and goddesses from Mexico.