Original upload date: Apr 5, 2021

This week is our first ever worldbuilding episode where we will be exploring Fantasy Vs Fairytale and try to answer the question is your novel a Fantasy or Fairytale?
We will discuss:
What is a fairytale by exploring famous stories by famous authors diving into J.R. R TOLKIEN definition from his work entitled On Fairytales.
We will explore the use of talking animals and anamorphic creatures in fantasy vs fairytale
Do you agree that your fantasy is really a fairytale?
Is little red riding hood really a fairy tale?
Lets start a dialogue about it.
So if you liked this fourth episode and you want to tune into the next episode and If you liked this blog post and you want to see more content involving my work in progress During the Blue Hour join the werewolfpack today and keep up to date with the latest content through a newsletter
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Check out My previous werewolf video : 3 Plants Fatal to the Werewolf
Next episode: Cast of Characters Pt. 2 : Exploring POV
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