March 6, 2025
Novel Chapter Teasers &Snippets

Novel Chapter Teasers &Snippets

Saturday, June 5, 2021

9:56 PM

As you all  know if  you have browsed  my  blog. I post about my work in progress novel  that is about werewolves called During the Blue Hour.

So just a  reminder I’m in my 2nd draft  and I plan to try to be finished with this draft by the end of the summer. So to prepare for finishing the draft I’m going to post a teaser snippet of my chapters every week starting Sunday. But after that it will probably be a new chapter snippet every Monday or Tuesday because I record them at the same time as my podcast.  I don’t know if I will put the actual chapters up of my novel  but I’ll see what happens. So yeah that’s my plan.

If you liked this quick blog about my Work in progress world I will be posting more content like this and make sure you know that you can feel free to give me suggestions and feedback  on how  to improve During the Blue hour video concepts, blogs, short stories and more.

If you liked this blog post and you want to  see more content involving my work in progress During the Blue Hour Follow, download , share  this post . Comment Section down below please let’s start a dialogue.

 Oh yeah forgot to tell you that you can interact with the podcast on Gab @duringthebluehour


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