The eyes are said to be the window to the soul . Which werewolf eye color do you have?
Writing the Werewolf Novel: When a Werewolf Betrays thier pack
What happens when a werewolf betrays thier pack? Well alot really can happen . Choas ensues. Let me delve deeper.
Last Scene Sneak Peak: Running with the Wolves
(Update about During the Blue hour) a sneak peak/ snippet of my last scene with the song that has inspired me to write it.
Werewolf Update Promo trailer: Planning, Researching and Scheduling(OCTOBER 2023)
werewolf podcast news update for the month of october 2023.
WereWolf Podcast News Update(SEPTEMBER 2023)
DTBH PODCAST UPDATE : Hi welcome ! This is the discovering the Blue Hour werewolf podcast news update for the month of September 2023.
Writing the Werewolf Novel: A small update on the wip During the Blue Hour werewolf novel
The Werewolf Creature: Fantasy or Fairytale?
What type of creature is a werewolf? fantasy or fairytale creature?
The Lifespan of a Werewolf?
How Long Can a werewolf live for compared to humans lifespan?
3 Plants Fatal to the Werewolf
What are the three fatal plants to ward off werewolves? What is the history behind these three plants and the werewolf?
What Happens when this werewolf eats Chocolate?