The eyes are said to be the window to the soul . Which werewolf eye color do you have?
Ep 5. Discovering Multiple Pov in Werewolf Fiction
Delving into my cast of werewolf characters a little bit further and exploring POV and how they perceive their world. Also the author voice and weather it’s the same as the character and why. I Will be talking about everybody’s favorite book as well, Game of thrones and the authors use of multiple POV .
Writing the Werewolf Novel: When a Werewolf Betrays thier pack
What happens when a werewolf betrays thier pack? Well alot really can happen . Choas ensues. Let me delve deeper.
Last Scene Sneak Peak: Running with the Wolves
(Update about During the Blue hour) a sneak peak/ snippet of my last scene with the song that has inspired me to write it.
Werewolf Update Promo trailer: Planning, Researching and Scheduling(OCTOBER 2023)
werewolf podcast news update for the month of october 2023.
WereWolf Podcast News Update(SEPTEMBER 2023)
DTBH PODCAST UPDATE : Hi welcome ! This is the discovering the Blue Hour werewolf podcast news update for the month of September 2023.
Writing the Werewolf Novel: A small update on the wip During the Blue Hour werewolf novel
Fantasy vs Fairytale -Worldbuilding Pt. 1 EP. 4
We will explore the use of talking animals and anamorphic creatures in fantasy vs fairytale .
The Werewolf Creature: Fantasy or Fairytale?
What type of creature is a werewolf? fantasy or fairytale creature?
The Lifespan of a Werewolf?
How Long Can a werewolf live for compared to humans lifespan?