I mentioned in recent post how good it is to be a writer and read outside of your written genre while working on a work in progress novel. Its summertime. And you know what that means? Work on our novels ! Yes that is true but I don’t mean just that. Summertime is the perfect time to read as a writer. Yes . It’s time to pack up not just your writing pad and pen but also a good reading book and head on to the beach. I sure am.
I mentioned the current book I was planning on reading . Well I started the book but I still have books I want to read and I have compiled my current summer reading list . So here are the books outside of my written genre I’m planning on reading for the rest of the summer.
- Outlander by: Diana Gabaldon
Okay so I kind of wrote 2 post on this TV show/ book already . If you have read my other post you know how I critiqued the show so far . So I bought the book and started reading it the other day . Even though I’m only on chapter 2 . I will hopefully be finished with it soon .
- Hot Halcon Nights: A Tale of the Pan-Galactic Empire (Tales of the Pan-Galactic Empire Book 1) by Joseph Isenberg
My next summer read after Outlander involves a humorous science fiction space fleet story about the 81 century and genetically modified lemurs . This book was referred to me and sounds very interesting and fun and I can’t wait to read it.
- Black Swan Rising by Lee Carroll
This is a book that delves into the world of watchers , fae and magic .
I read this book years ago but will reread it this summer because the last time I finished the book the sequel wasn’t out and so I forgot about the book all together . So it would be a refresher before reading the sequels in the series.
So these are only three books right now that I’m reading and planning on reading this summer . But there will be more because I haven’t finished my own novel yet and I need more inspiration outside of my genre of writing about werewolves.
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What books are you planning on putting on your summer reading list as you write and head on to the beach? Or what books are you reading already this summer?
I want to know so let me know in the comments below.
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